Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Check Dot Net Versions Installed on Server

Check Dot Net Versions Installed on Server

1.      Open the command prompt (i.e Windows + R → type "cmd").
2.      Type the following command, all on one line:
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP"
(This will list all the .NET versions.)
3.      If you want to check the latest .NET 4 version.
4.      Type following instruction, on a single line:
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\full" /v version

Extending Windows 2003 Server System Drive Without Reboot


We’re in the middle of a VMware migration from 3.5 to 4.  Some of the older VMs have small C drives, and since Microsoft loves to release tons of patches, they’re running out of space.
In the past you could shut the VM off, attach the OS drive as an extra HD to another VM, increase the space and then use diskpart to extend it.  With VM Hardware v.7, it’s much easier!
Grab the ExtPart tool from Dell here.

1) Edit the VM’s settings to increase the disk size
2) Copy ExtPart to the VM and double-click to extract.  Default path is C:\Dell\ExtPart\
3) Check the Partitions before:
4) From a command-prompt, change to the ExtPart directory
5) Run extpart.exe
6) Enter in the disk you want to extend in lower-case, i.e., c:
7) Specify in MB of the amount of space you want to ADD, not the final total
8) Check partitions after
9) That’s all!
*note:  your partition in “Disk Management” will look funny until you quit and re-open Disk Managment:

Setting Specific Target DFS Environment

Setting Specific Target DFS Environment 

You can set a specific DFS-Target to be active but it won’t stick past the next logon I believe.
By default, the users will connect to the target in their 'site'
If you want to set a specific target as 'Primary" for everyone in a site
1.    Open up the DFS Management utility
2.    Open the Namespace the folder and target you wish to modify is under
3.    Select the folder you wish to control the targets on
4.    Right click on the target you wish to set as active
5.    Select the Advanced tab
6.    Check the "Override referral ordering" checkbox
7.    Select "First among all targets"
This will allow users to Failover to other targets when needed.
It's also smart to enable the "Clients fail back to preferred targets" so if a user does fail over, they will switch back to the primary target once its back up.
You can also 'hard' control the targets by enabling/disabling them as needed. This works good when performing maintenance.

Check SSL Versions On Web Server

Check SSL Versions On Web Server

 Method 1

·        Click the Windows "Start" button and type "cmd" into the search text box. Press "Enter" to open your Windows command line. 

·        Type "openssl /?" to view a list of options for the command line utility. This also shows you the proper syntax for the command. 

·         Type "openssl version" and press "Enter." The OpenSSL version is displayed in the Windows command line utility. 

Method 2

1. Check where & which Apache versions are installed
2. go to /bin folder inside Apache Folder
3. Execute command Openssl.exe
4. Type Version.

Computer Password Change

 Computer Password Change

At times it is noticed that a member server loses connectivity with Domain Controller and it doesn't allow logging in with Domain Account. 

Apart from Rejoining the server to Domain, There is below way you can try. 

Logon to AD and Reset Computer Account.

Come back to your Server & execute command from Admin CMD & once successfully done try logging in with your Domain Account. 

Just change your computer password using netdom.exe!

netdom.exe resetpwd /s:<server> /ud:<user> /pd:*

<server> = a domain controller in the joined domain

<user> = DOMAIN\User format with rights to change the computer password

Example 1: Reset the password for the local computer


PS C:\> Reset-ComputerMachinePassword
This command resets the computer password for the local computer. The command runs with the credentials of the current user.

Example 2: Reset the password for the local computer by using a specified domain controller


PS C:\> Reset-ComputerMachinePassword -Server "DC01" -Credential Domain01\Admin01

This command resets the computer password of the local computer by using the DC01 domain controller. It uses the Credential parameter to specify a user account that has permission to reset a computer password in the domain.

Example 3: Reset the password on a remote computer


PS C:\> Invoke-Command -ComputerName "Server01" -ScriptBlock {Reset-ComputerMachinePassword}

VSS Writers & Services

List of VSS Writers & Its Corresponding Services

List of Writers:

VSS Writer
Service Name
Service Display Name
ASR Writer
Volume Shadow Copy
BITS Writer
Background Intelligent Transfer Service
Volume Shadow Copy
DFS Replication service writer
DFS Replication
DHCP Jet Writer
DHCP Server
FRS Writer
File Replication
FSRM writer
File Server Resource Manager
IIS Config Writer
Application Host Helper Service
IIS Metabase Writer
IIS Admin Service
Microsoft Exchange Writer
Microsoft Exchange Information Store
Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer
Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management
Active Directory Domain Services
OSearch VSS Writer
Office SharePoint Server Search
OSearch14 VSS Writer
SharePoint Server Search 14
Registry Writer
Volume Shadow Copy
Shadow Copy Optimization Writer
Volume Shadow Copy
SPSearch VSS Writer
Windows SharePoint Services Search
SPSearch4 VSS Writer
SharePoint Foundation Search V4
SQL Server VSS Writer
System Writer
Cryptographic Services
Remote Desktop Licensing
WINS Jet Writer
Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)
WMI Writer
Windows Management Instrumentation

Findig WSUS Server in an unknown environment

Findig WSUS Server In An Unknown Environment

Find below registry key in case you ever tumble upon a new environment in where you have no idea which WSUS Server is providing update to the client.

1. Click Start
2. Select "RUN"
3. Type "regedit" It will open registry editor (Be very cautious while working with registry, Suggested is to take the backup of registry before modifying it always.
4. Go to below registry entry


Your WSUS Server will be mentioned in "WUServer" entry. 

Windows Administrator Level 1 Interview Question & Answers

 Windows Administrator Level 1 Interview Question & Answers What is an active directory?  An Active Directory (AD) is a directory ...